I received the call last week. I seem to receive this call 6-8 times each year. This cow-calf producer had just finished getting his cows diagnosed for pregnancy. He had 43 cows falling calving cows. Last fall, these cows were synchronized for artificial insemination and were exposed to one bull for about 5 weeks and a second bull for 7 weeks. Only 22 cows conceived and all of them conceived to the AI. The first question I asked this rancher was the obvious one; did you get a breeding soundness exam (BSE) performed on your bulls? His response: the bulls had one when he bought them, but he had not had one done since (2-3 years). The bulls were checked and, sure enough, both were infertile.
What is a BSE? A BSE is a fertility exam performed on bulls by a veterinarian. A BSE has three components: scrotal circumference, a physical exam, and a semen evaluation. Scrotal circumference is highly correlated with semen output and serving capacity. It is recommended that a 12–13-month-old bull have a scrotal circumference of at least 30 cm. The physical exam is performed to simply ensure that a bull is physically up to the challenge of the breeding season. Are his feet and legs structurally correct? Is he free from injury and/or infection? The veterinarian then examines the bull’s semen to determine if the sperm cells are normal. The bull is then graded as satisfactory, unsatisfactory, or deferred. Bulls classified as unsatisfactory are considered infertile and it is not recommended that they be used for breeding. Bulls that receive the deferred classification had some irregularities in their ejaculate and a second collection is required to determine his fertility. A BSE very accurately identifies bulls that are total infertile.
Source: osu.edu
Photo Credit: GettyImages-Diane Kuhl
Categories: Ohio, Livestock