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Farm bureau honors volunteers in Noble County

Farm bureau honors volunteers in Noble County

By Andi Anderson

On Friday, August 2, the Noble County Farm Bureau held its annual meeting at the Floral Hall in the Noble County Fairgrounds, Caldwell.

The meeting was conducted by President Jason Feldner and included important activities such as voting on proposed policies, selecting trustees for the Board of Trustees, and choosing delegates for the Ohio Farm Bureau 2025 Annual Meeting.

The evening began with a dinner served by Hog Hollow BBQ, setting the stage for discussions on key policy issues. Members addressed topics including timber and eminent domain, dog laws, and the expansion of broadband access in rural areas.

A highlight of the event was the recognition of outstanding contributors to the organization and the acknowledgment of dedicated volunteers who have supported the Farm Bureau over the past year.

Several volunteers were honored as membership workers, with the Board Attendance Award being presented to Don Archer, Jason Feldner, Gladys Saling, Clair Schockling, and Chris Wells for their consistent participation.

State Representative Don Jones and State Senator Brian Chavez were also recognized as Friends of Agriculture, highlighting their support and advocacy for the farming community.

Senior Organization Director Betsy Anderson expressed her gratitude for the volunteers, stating, “Farm Bureau depends on volunteers to accomplish our goals and policies. Noble County is very blessed with dedicated people to serve on their Board of Trustees and as membership volunteers.”

Additionally, Sarah Reed provided information on a mental health survey that will be available at the Farm Bureau display during the upcoming fair, located in the SWCD building.

The meeting served as an opportunity for members to actively participate in shaping the future of the Noble County Farm Bureau while celebrating the hard work and dedication of those who contribute to the success of the organization.

PhotoCredit: ohio-farm-bureau

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