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Importance of Soil Testing for Soybean Cyst Nematode in Ohio

Importance of Soil Testing for Soybean Cyst Nematode in Ohio

As spring begins, soybean growers must prepare for the upcoming growing season, and that includes battling the soybean cyst nematode (SCN), the most significant threat to soybean crops in North America, which is spreading throughout Ohio. SCN levels can cause significant yield reduction even without visible symptoms, making it crucial to take preventative measures.

Extensive sampling of soybean fields in Ohio since 2018 has revealed that SCN is silently gaining territory in the state as SCN numbers rise, limiting the ability to protect Ohio soybean production. Soil samples are necessary to determine whether SCN is present in a field.

To address this issue, the Ohio State University Extension Educators and growers will continue sampling soybean fields in Ohio for SCN. The project aims to help growers by processing up to two soil samples per grower to test for SCN, targeting soybean fields that have consistently yielded low, have been under continuous soybean or double crop, and have weed issues.

Protect your soybean crops this spring by taking the SCN test, beating the pest, and safeguarding your yields.

For more information about the soybean cyst nematode, visit our sister site:


Photo Credit: istock-oticki

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Categories: Ohio, Crops, Soybeans

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