By Andi Anderson
For those working in agriculture, risk is an ever-present challenge, impacting nearly every step of the farming process, from planting to marketing. Ohio farmers experience various risks, including financial uncertainties, regulatory demands, and the inherent dangers of one of the world’s most hazardous occupations.
Effective safety and risk management practices are essential to ensure a farm remains sustainable and productive.
The Ohio Farm Bureau, along with its industry partners, is dedicated to supporting farmers by developing ways to minimize these risks. While some challenges, like the severe drought seen in Ohio over the summer, are beyond farmers’ control, assistance programs from the USDA and farm bill provisions, advocated by the Ohio Farm Bureau, provide valuable resources to offset losses.
The recent drought forced many farmers to feed winter hay in August due to dried-up pastures, making disaster assistance crucial for recovery.
Other risks can be managed with proper knowledge and safety tools. Nationwide, a key industry partner, has created resources to help farmers with grain bin safety, fire prevention, and succession planning.
These tools provide practical solutions for managing hazards, allowing farmers to protect their assets and maintain operational safety.
Education is another critical factor in agricultural risk management. Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences leads research on reducing risks related to weather, disease, and pests.
The college also monitors both domestic and global markets, providing farmers with insights for informed decision-making. Through the university’s Ag Safety and Health Program, farmers benefit from educational resources and demonstrations that prioritize safety in agricultural tasks.
While farming will always involve some level of risk, Ohio Farm Bureau’s resources and partnerships with industry experts help farmers navigate these challenges, creating safer, more resilient farms.
These support systems not only keep farms running smoothly but also promote long-term sustainability and success in Ohio’s agriculture industry.
Photo Credit: gettyimages-alexlmx
Categories: Ohio, Education, General, Rural Lifestyle, Farm Safety