Henry County will be hosting the 2023 Northwest Ohio Agronomy Crops Day Feb. 8.
This year’s event will feature Dr. Pierce Paul, Professor and Associate Chair in the Department of Plant Pathology at the Ohio State University. He will be presenting on the topic of Development and Management of Ear Rots, Mycotoxins, and Tar Spot. Also featured is Dr. Laura Lindsay, Associate Professor in the Department of Horticulture & Crop Science at Ohio State University. She will be presenting the topic of Soybean Planting Date and Management Interactions. Aaron Wilson, Assistant Professor, Ag Weather and Climate Field Specialist for Ohio State University Extension & State Climatologist of Ohio will present an Agricultural Weather & Climate Update.
Other Speakers include Sarah Noggle on Livestock & Forage Pest Update, Alan Leininger discussing Grain Management & Fumigation, Dr. Erdal Ozkan, Professor, Department of Food, Agriculture, & Biological Engineering at Ohio State University presenting sprayer nozzle selection, and Glen Arnold, Professor and Field Specialist, Manure Nutrient Management, Ohio State University Extension, will be sharing his work in manure management including applying swine manure in corn.
The event will be located at the Bavarian Haus, 3814 OH-18, Deshler.
The program will begin at 8 a.m. with registration and conclude around 4 p.m.
Ohio private fertilizer and pesticide applicator credits, commercial pesticide credits, as well as Certified Crop Advisor credits are offered.
Registration is $45 which includes a catered meal by the Bavarian Haus, and all take home materials.
Registration is due by Feb. 3, but late registrations will be accepted as long as space permits for $55.
The registration link is: go.osu.edu/henryanr2023.
Contact Alan Leininger at the Henry County Extension Office for more information: leininger.17@osu.edu / (419) 592-0806
Categories: Ohio, Crops