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Ohio 4-H spark expo guides youth towards future careers

Ohio 4-H spark expo guides youth towards future careers

By Andi Anderson

The Ohio 4-H Spark EXPO recently wrapped up its engaging summer session, providing an enriching platform for teens across Ohio to discover potential careers in agriculture and STEAM.

Hosted from June 12-15 at The Ohio State University, the event attracted over 50 participants from 28 counties.

Bridget Niese, a Putnam County 4-H member, shared her enthusiasm, saying, “I enjoyed learning how different agriculture-related careers impact the world and the various career paths.

I’m really excited to attend Ohio State in the future now!” This sentiment captures the spirit of the EXPO, which aimed to ignite passion and curiosity among the youth.

Participants had the opportunity to interact directly with industry experts and take guided tours of Ohio State’s Columbus and CFAES Wooster campuses. A highlight was the visit to the new Trimble Technology lab, where Aaron Smith, an agricultural data analyst, demonstrated cutting-edge technology.

The teens also experienced riding in machinery equipped with advanced guidance controls and steering systems, providing a practical glimpse into modern agricultural practices.

Industry leaders, including representatives from Cargill and the Ohio Poultry Association, contributed to the event's success by engaging with the students and providing insights into their fields.

Margo Overholt-Seckel, Ohio 4-H Workforce Development and Pathways program manager, emphasized the event's purpose, stating, “The Ohio 4-H Spark EXPO is about opening doors and expanding horizons for our youth.

By exposing them to a wide array of career pathways and equipping them with essential skills, we are helping to lay the foundation for their future success.”

The EXPO focused on career exploration and on developing essential life skills such as leadership and teamwork. These activities are designed to prepare the participants not only for professional environments but also for active roles within their communities.

Cathann A. Kress, Ohio State vice president for agricultural administration and dean of CFAES, praised the initiative: “We are delighted with the enthusiasm and engagement of all the participants, faculty, staff, and industry.

The Spark EXPO is more than just an event; it’s an opportunity for young people to discover their passions, explore potential career paths, and gain the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve their goals.”

The Ohio 4-H Spark EXPO stands as a beacon of inspiration, guiding young minds towards a future rich with opportunities in agriculture and beyond.

Photo Credit: ohio-state-university

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