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Harvest safety made easy with Ohio BWC

Harvest safety made easy with Ohio BWC

By Andi Anderson

As the harvest season begins, the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) is committed to supporting the state’s agricultural community with a range of free resources aimed at improving workplace safety. These services are available at no cost to employers and are designed to ensure that safety remains a top priority during this busy time.

BWC’s safety consultations are customized to meet the specific needs of your business, whether you run a small family farm, a large industrial operation, or an agribusiness. These consultations are included in your policy premiums, offering significant value without additional expense.

By working with BWC health and safety consultants, Ohio farmers can take proactive steps to prevent injuries and illnesses, which can lead to reduced workers’ compensation costs, improved worker morale, increased productivity, and stronger safety management systems.

During a safety consultation, a professional will visit your operation to identify potential hazards and suggest ways to reduce the risk of injury or occupational illness. Some of the key areas of concern in agriculture that BWC consultants can help with include:

Machine Guarding and Confined Spaces: Tractors, harvesters, and other heavy machinery pose serious risks if not properly used or guarded. Confined spaces like silos, tanks, or grain bins can be hazardous due to risks of suffocation or engulfment. BWC consultants can help assess these areas and recommend safety measures to protect workers.

Exposure to Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Hazards: Agricultural workers are often exposed to chemicals like pesticides and fertilizers, which can lead to health issues.

Additionally, exposure to dust, mold, and animal dander can cause respiratory problems, while pathogens from animals can be transmitted to humans. BWC industrial hygiene consultants can evaluate these risks to safeguard employee health.

Physical Strain: Agriculture involves physically demanding tasks that can lead to injuries from repetitive motions, heavy lifting, and awkward postures. BWC ergonomic consultants specialize in reducing these risks, helping to make workers more comfortable and productive on the job.

While it’s important to focus on safety during the harvest season, maintaining good safety practices year-round is essential. The Ohio BWC encourages all agricultural businesses to take advantage of these free resources to create a safer working environment.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-fotokostic

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Categories: Ohio, Harvesting

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