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Managing Pasture Recovery After Drought and Winter Challenges

Managing Pasture Recovery After Drought and Winter Challenges

By Andi Anderson

Drought and harsh winter conditions have impacted pasture health, leaving many fields weakened and slow to recover. Overgrazing before dormancy further reduces energy reserves, delaying spring growth and increasing soil vulnerability.

When pastures suffer from heavy grazing and winter damage, restoration strategies are essential. If over 40% of the pasture is damaged, reseeding may be required. Using the Pasture Condition Scoresheet can help assess the extent of damage.

Severely compacted and bare areas may need complete renovation to prevent weed invasion.

For less than 40% damage, overseeding with clover and perennial ryegrass is an effective solution. Clover fills gaps, improves soil fertility, and suppresses weeds.

Ryegrass establishes quickly, prevents erosion, and enhances soil porosity. These plants help soil recovery while ensuring high-quality forage for livestock.

To avoid further soil compaction, heavy equipment should not be used on wet pastures. All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) are a better option for frost-seeding or overseeding, reducing soil disturbance. Additionally, feeding hay directly on pastures can contribute organic nutrients and distribute forage seeds naturally.

For long-term pasture management, farmers should plan for strategic grazing and soil restoration. Resting pastures in the fall and ensuring proper forage cover can help prevent future damage. Leaving extra forage for winter grazing and using summer annuals for weed control before reseeding are also beneficial strategies.

Assessing pastures early and implementing overseeding, grazing adjustments, and soil management techniques will support a healthy, productive pasture for the upcoming season.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-sasiistock

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Categories: Ohio, Sustainable Agriculture

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