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Vinton County Commissioners Declare National Ag Week

Vinton County Commissioners Declare National Ag Week

By Andi Anderson

The Vinton County Commissioners have officially recognized the importance of agriculture by signing a proclamation declaring March 17-23, 2024, as National Agriculture Week. This proclamation highlights the critical role that agriculture plays in our economy and emphasizes the significance of supporting our farmers.

Presented by the Jackson-Vinton County Farm Bureau, each commissioner received a basket filled with locally grown and produced items, along with information about National Ag Week. This gesture serves as a reminder of the hard work and dedication of our farmers and their contributions to our community.

American agriculture serves as the backbone of our economy, providing food for people and serving as our nation's largest employer. During National Agriculture Week, it is essential to recognize and appreciate the efforts of farmers who work tirelessly to feed our nation and support our economy.

As we celebrate National Agriculture Week, let us take a moment to thank a farmer for their unwavering commitment to providing us with safe and nutritious food. Their dedication ensures the strength and prosperity of our agricultural industry and our nation as a whole.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-alexeyrumyantsev

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