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Bird Flu Threat Puts Wood County Fair Poultry Judging on Hold

Bird Flu Threat Puts Wood County Fair Poultry Judging on Hold

By Andi Anderson

The Wood County Fair board is preparing for the upcoming 2025 fair while monitoring the nationwide bird flu outbreak. Poultry judging remains uncertain as officials await guidance from the Ohio Department of Agriculture.

During a recent board meeting, members approved up to $400 for leg bands and antigen testing for poultry projects. However, several fairs have already canceled poultry shows, and a final decision is expected later this year. Officials anticipate clarity by June, following the spring migration.

Fair organizers are considering alternative options if poultry projects are canceled. Some fairs are advising junior fair participants to prepare backup projects, such as rabbits, in case poultry shows are not permitted. A virtual poultry show, similar to the one held in 2015, is another potential solution.

A new commercial pig class has also been introduced for the junior fair swine judging. This category focuses on pigs bred for consumption rather than traditional show qualities.

The class will be limited to 15 exhibitors, with pig selection occurring through a lottery system. Selected participants will need to register through 4-H or FFA before the March 15 deadline.

In other fair-related news, the board announced the return of the Catch-A-Pig contest and approved a Micro Wrestling Event scheduled for March 22. A successful fundraiser raised over $20,200, with discussions underway about using a portion of the proceeds for junior fair scholarships.

The board also approved purchasing a banner printer and committed to matching funds for an Ohio Harness Racing Association grant. Fair organizers continue to plan while awaiting further updates on poultry events.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-wikoski

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Categories: Ohio, Rural Lifestyle

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