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Craft Brewery Expansion Boosts Supplement Availability for Southeastern USA Beef Cattle

Craft Brewery Expansion Boosts Supplement Availability for Southeastern USA Beef Cattle

The craft brewing industry's rapid growth in the southeastern United States is positively impacting the availability of supplements for beef cattle. With a market value of $26.8 billion and sales of 24,489,945 beer barrels (BBLS) in 2021, craft breweries have experienced remarkable expansion, driven by consumer demand for locally brewed and flavorful beers. This has resulted in a significant increase in market share from 5.68% in 2011 to 13.1% in 2021.

However, using wet brewers grain (WBG) as cattle feed presents logistical challenges. The high moisture content of WBG makes long-distance transportation financially impractical, and the seasonal nature of craft beer production affects the availability of this supplement. WBG production rises during the summer months and major holidays when beer consumption peaks.

Nevertheless, innovative solutions have emerged, exemplified by a successful collaborative effort among three farm families in western North Carolina. By implementing a rotating pickup schedule and utilizing dump trailers stored at the brewery, these families have optimized WBG utilization while minimizing spoilage. The benefits they have observed include increased stocking densities, reduced reliance on stored forages, potential for additional farm enterprises, improved cow body condition scores, and heavier weaning calves.

This local integration of WBG exemplifies the potential for small- to medium-sized beef cattle operations to capitalize on the growing craft brewery industry in their vicinity. By overcoming logistical obstacles and leveraging the advantages of WBG, farmers can enhance their operations and cultivate mutually beneficial relationships with craft breweries.


Photo Credit: GettyImages-erdinhasdemir

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Categories: Ohio, Livestock, Beef Cattle

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