Seasonable temperatures and timely rains last week helped Ohio crops progress well, according to the USDA NASS Ohio Field Office. Topsoil moisture conditions were rated 2 percent very short, 25 percent short, 67 percent adequate, and 6 percent surplus. Statewide, the average temperature for the week ending on August 13 was 72.4 degrees, 0.9 degrees above normal. Weather stations recorded an average of 1.86 inches of precipitation, 1.02 inches above average. There were 5.2 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending August 13.
Corn silking progress reached 97 percent, corn dough progress was 45 percent complete, and corn dented progress was 2 percent complete. Soybeans blooming was 92 percent complete and pod setting progress reached 69 percent. Corn and soybean condition were 76 and 70 percent good to excellent, respectively.
Second cuttings of alfalfa were 97 percent complete, and second cuttings of other hay were 74 percent complete. Third cuttings of alfalfa hay and other dry hay were 41 and 25 percent complete, respectively. Pasture and range condition was rated 68 percent good to excellent, up from the previous week.
Ohio crops are in good condition and progressing well thanks to favorable weather conditions. Farmers are encouraged to continue monitoring their crops and taking steps to protect them from pests and diseases.
Photo Credit: gettyimages-dszc
Categories: Ohio, Crops