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Shelby Rhodes appointed operations coordinator at Ohio Farm Bureau

Shelby Rhodes appointed operations coordinator at Ohio Farm Bureau

By Andi Anderson

The Ohio Farm Bureau has announced the appointment of Shelby Rhodes as its new operations coordinator.

In her role, Rhodes will provide administrative support to the Strategic Partnerships Department while continuing to assist the Communications Department and the chief information officer. She will also manage the organization’s fleet program.

Rhodes brings extensive experience in agricultural leadership. Over the past two years, she has served in various roles on the Carroll County Farm Bureau Board of Trustees and was recently elected president of the board.

Notably, she was a key member of the Check Your Engine Program, an award-winning initiative focused on raising awareness of farmer mental wellness. Her leadership earned her the Ohio Farm Bureau Special 10 scholarship, which allowed her to attend the 2024 American Farm Bureau Young Farmer & Rancher Leadership Conference in Omaha, Nebraska.

Rhodes has been actively involved in several Ohio Farm Bureau events, including the County Presidents’ Trip to Washington, D.C., Ag Day at the Capital, and the Young Ag Professionals Winter Leadership Experience.

Her professional background includes serving as a national sales representative for PBS Animal Health, where she specialized in managing dairy and beef operations nationwide.

Prior to that, she worked as a customer care specialist with R.J. Matthews Company, supporting the animal health industry.

Rhodes, a first-generation agriculturalist, earned her American FFA Degree in 2021 and is a 4-H Youth mentor and livestock coach.

Additionally, she coordinates the Dairy Princess Program for Carroll County and is a third-generation firefighter with the Augusta Township Volunteer Fire Department.

The Ohio Farm Bureau is the state’s largest farm and food membership organization, dedicated to advancing agriculture and strengthening communities across Ohio. Rhodes’ appointment further strengthens the organization’s commitment to supporting farmers and agricultural initiatives statewide.

Photo Credit: ohio-farm-bureau

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