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Ohio farmers shift to more soybeans and less corn in 2024

Ohio farmers shift to more soybeans and less corn in 2024

By Andi Anderson

Ohio field crop producers made significant adjustments in their planting choices for 2024, with fewer acres of corn and more acres of soybeans compared to 2023.

According to Ben Torrance, State Statistician at USDA NASS, Ohio Field Office, the planting season began slowly due to temperamental weather throughout April, which hindered fieldwork and delayed planting.

However, warmer temperatures and favorable conditions returned in May, allowing planting and emergence to progress rapidly. By June 2, both planting and emergence were well ahead of the five-year averages.

In 2024, Ohio corn growers planted 3.40 million acres, a decrease of 200,000 acres from 2023. The corn harvested for grain is projected to be 3.17 million acres, down by 230,000 acres from the previous year.

This reduction reflects the challenges faced during the early planting season.

Conversely, Ohio soybean growers planted 4.85 million acres, an increase of 100,000 acres from 2023. The harvested acres of soybeans are anticipated to be 4.83 million acres, indicating a shift towards soybeans as a more reliable crop under the given conditions.

Ohio winter wheat growers planted 530,000 acres, a decrease of 120,000 acres from the previous year. The area harvested and to be harvested for grain totaled 460,000 acres, marking a 22 percent decline from last year.

This decrease is notable and highlights the impact of the early season weather on winter wheat planting decisions.

On a national level, the corn planted area for all purposes in 2024 is estimated at 91.5 million acres, a 3 percent reduction or 3.17 million acres less than last year. Despite this decrease, it represents the eighth highest planted acreage in the United States since 1944.

Compared with last year, planted acreage is expected to be down or unchanged in 31 of the 48 estimating states. The area harvested for grain is projected at 83.4 million acres, down 4 percent from last year.

The U.S. soybean planted area for 2024 is estimated at 86.1 million acres, reflecting a 3 percent increase from last year. Compared with last year, planted acreage is up or unchanged in 24 of the 29 estimating states, showing a nationwide trend towards more soybean planting.

The 2024 winter wheat planted area, at 33.8 million acres, is down 8 percent from last year and down 1 percent from the previous estimate. Of this total, about 24.1 million acres are Hard Red Winter, 6.14 million acres are Soft Red Winter, and 3.59 million acres are White Winter.

Ohio's farmers have demonstrated resilience and adaptability in response to challenging weather conditions, adjusting their crop choices to optimize yields. This shift towards more soybean acreage and less corn and wheat reflects broader trends observed across the United States.

As the season progresses, continued favorable weather will be crucial to ensure a successful harvest and stable crop conditions.

Photo Credit: istock-oticki

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Categories: Ohio, Crops, Soybeans

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