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Ohio crop conditions improve in northern regions

Ohio crop conditions improve in northern regions

By Andi Anderson

Crop conditions in Ohio showed a mixed bag as the northern half of the state received much-needed rainfall, while the southern half continued to experience dry conditions. 

According to Ben Torrance, State Statistician at USDA NASS, Ohio Field Office, topsoil moisture conditions were rated 13 percent very short, 32 percent short, 48 percent adequate, and 7 percent surplus.

The statewide average temperature for the week ending June 30 was 72.7 degrees, which is 1.5 degrees above normal.

Weather stations recorded an average of 1.1 inches of precipitation, slightly above the average by 0.08 inches. There were 4.9 days suitable for fieldwork during the week.

In northern Ohio, the rainfall led to a slowdown in the wheat harvest but improved overall crop conditions.

Farmers reported better corn and soybean conditions, with corn rated 66 percent good to excellent and soybeans rated 63 percent good to excellent, both showing improvement from the previous week.

Winter wheat was 96 percent mature, and 49 percent of the crop was harvested, with the crop condition rated 72 percent good to excellent, also an improvement from the previous week.

In contrast, the southern part of Ohio continued to face stress due to dry conditions. Despite these challenges, some progress was made with oat crops, which advanced to 71 percent headed.

However, the oat crop condition declined slightly, rated at 80 percent good to excellent. The second cuttings of alfalfa and other dry hay were 31 percent and 8 percent completed, respectively. Pasture and range conditions were rated 57 percent good to excellent.

Farmers across the state were busy with various field activities, including finishing the side dressing of corn, baling straw, and planting double-crop soybeans.

The variation in weather conditions between the northern and southern regions of Ohio underscores the diverse challenges faced by farmers in managing their crops.

Overall, while the northern regions benefited from recent rains, the southern regions continue to struggle with dryness, highlighting the need for adaptive strategies to manage crop health and productivity in varying weather conditions.

Photo Credit: usda

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Categories: Ohio, Weather

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