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Revolutionizing crop nutrient management

Revolutionizing crop nutrient management

By Andi Anderson

Discover FRST, a groundbreaking tool developed by a collaborative team of agricultural experts led by The Ohio State University. This online database and decision support tool revolutionizes crop nutrient management, addressing the complexities growers face in fertilizer application.

FRST, or the Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool, offers impartial, science-based interpretations of soil test data, guiding farmers across the U.S. in optimizing phosphorus and potassium fertilization for maximum yields. With rapidly changing climate conditions, efficient fertilizer management becomes crucial, and FRST rises to the challenge, potentially saving millions while reducing environmental impact.

This digital innovation harmonizes soil testing practices nationwide, providing a comprehensive database of historical and current research data, including over 2,500 trials across 21 major crops. Its dynamic interface constantly updates, ensuring reliable outcomes tailored to specific crop needs.

Key features include data-driven insights, crop specificity, geographical diversity, unbiased interpretations, and scientifically sound recommendations. Whether you're a farmer or part of an agricultural organization, FRST empowers you to make informed decisions for sustainable farming practices.

Join the movement towards precision agriculture with FRST. Visit today and transform your approach to crop nutrient management. Unlock the potential for higher yields, reduced costs, and environmental stewardship with FRST.

Photo Credit - gettyimages-fotokostic

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Categories: Ohio, Crops

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