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Safer firefighting with soybeans - A boon for firefighters and farmers

Safer firefighting with soybeans - A boon for firefighters and farmers

By Andi Anderson

Firefighters and farmers are joining hands to create a safer and more sustainable future. A groundbreaking firefighting foam, SoyFoam TF 1122, is derived from soybeans and eliminates the health risks linked to traditional foams containing PFAS chemicals.

These chemicals pose a serious threat to firefighters' health and can pollute water sources. SoyFoam, on the other hand, is certified safe, biodegradable, and made with readily available soybean meal, a byproduct of soybean oil production.

"This partnership brings significant advantages to both firefighters and farmers," says a spokesperson from the Ohio Soybean Council. "Firefighters gain a safer product, while farmers discover a new market for their soybean meal.

The advantages of SoyFoam go beyond firefighter safety. By eliminating PFAS from firefighting foams, the environment is shielded from contamination. This ensures clean air, water, and soil for communities.

As International Firefighters' Day nears, firefighters are urged to consider SoyFoam as a safer alternative. Farmers can also contribute by informing their local fire departments about this innovative product.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-zoran-zeremski

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Categories: Ohio, Business, Crops, Soybeans

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